Monday 6 April 2009

Back with Jangano!

Hi, this is Jake

I arrived in Nairobi on Saturday the 4th of April 2009 at 19:30. As I got out of the plane and walked halfway across the airport, I couldn’t stop thinking about seeing everyone else. Just before I got to the baggage hall, I had to get a VISA. This was annoying as I am sure all of those travellers will know by now, especially if you have travelled to Africa recently. I was required to fill in a form, which I filled  in, then stood in a huge queue but when I got to the end, they said that I needed another form!  Anyway, I was so excited once I finished the form, I ran downstairs to get my bags, and looked out to where everyone was waiting and I saw my family there with a big Zimbabwean flag.  Luckily, Vicki was still there and I had time to say hello, before I had to say goodbye.

For all those interested, school has been brilliant. My house, Matopos, is on top of a hill and so I have to walk up and down that at least three times a day, with bags. The sport is so much better than at HIS and it is good fun. The school is based on Outdoor Education and so there are a lot of good outdoor sports that are available, but this term I haven’t taken part in many of them, though I did do the Sole Survivor challenge, where you go out with only clothes and one can of  food and have to survive 24 hours out there by yourself. Actually you were allowed to bring a sleeping bag, but being Zimbabwean, I didn’t. Then the only thing that you could do to make sure you didn’t get bored was to make things from whatever you found. I got a nasty surprise when I opened the can as the teacher organizing it had taken off the label so I didn’t know what it was, but I am guessing it was sadza and mince (mealie meal) or mashed potato and mince. Whatever it was, it was expired and tasted disgusting so I threw it away and didn’t eat anything the whole 24 hours which for me, is a record! It wasn’t too bad though and will give me good memories of boarding school.

Anyway it is great to be back with the Jangano team and I am sure you will hear more stories soon,



1 comment:

  1. And then they were 9! Welcome back Jake!! I would imagine by the time school goes back you’ll be bigger than Gus. It’s been bloody terrific reading through all your posts Jangano – we are a little disappointed that Mands & Nicky didn’t go the whole hog and whack a plate through their lip. Given that you’re Zimbos, I would figure the most apt plate would be a pink plastic Zhing Zhong one.
